Tag Archives: wind energy

Project Proposal – Wind Turbines

For my project I would like to create a proposal to construct windmill farms on both Lake Monona and Mendota. I cannot hope to accomplish this by myself in a single semester so instead I will be devising a detailed plan on how this could be done. The scale of the impact will most likely just be the downtown Madison area, if the city constructs the windmills, or if instead they are built by the university and not the city, then they could be used for university buildings exclusively. The project objective is to create a local, more sustainable source of energy. The reason I am proposing this project is because I think Madison has so much potential in terms of sustainable energy and that potential needs to be realized and acted upon. I want to make Madison, and someday the world in general, a cleaner and more sustainable place to live. I hope to achieve a feasible, attainable, tangible solution to Madison’s clean energy needs. Seeing as now I will not actually be constructing the actual windmills I will do everything up until that step. I will create a budget, list of resources needed, a plan, a reason for the project, and expected outcomes. It will impact all of Madison in one way or another, by either providing energy or by ruining their view of the lakes. The Proposal will take place over this semester although the actual construction is for the future. There are a few physical and conceptual boundaries, the lake is a physical boundary and the value people place on a clear, nice view is a conceptual boundary.