Grow Your Own

For my final project, I want to figure out how we can make our own personal lives more sustainable, specifically through growing your own food.  When one thinks about growing your own food, you usually think about starting an outdoor garden, either in your backyard or some kind of a co-op.  However, we all live in Wisconsin, where it is usually more cold outside than it is warm outside, so an outdoor garden is really only beneficial less than half of the year.  Starting your own outdoor garden is still a good idea, but how can we grow our food all year round?


What I want to research in my final project is how we can grow our own food indoors.  Just because it gets cold outside doesn’t mean we cannot keep plants inside warm and living, in order to bear us food.  I also want to try and change people’s thinking that it isn’t possible to do this, simply and cheaply.  There are many different kinds of foods you can grow indoors- from lemons to pineapples to lettuce to herbs to sprouts- all these things can be grown indoors.  The problem I know I am going to encounter is finding enough space in my own house to implement these practices, and having enough time to actually grow these things long enough to have them bear fruit or whatever it is I end up growing.


By being able to grow a portion of our own food, we will be able to save money, help curb pollution that comes from the transportation of food, and also for the simple joy of trying to do something I haven’t done before.  Not only is this project possible, but it is also the smart thing to do, and I will also be trying to encourage others to do the same as me.

One response to “Grow Your Own

  1. This sounds great. I just wanted to let you know about an innovative urban farming project that I have visited with the student org-FH King Students For Sustainable Ag. -in Chicago called “The Plant”. It’s in the works and going to be a closed loop vertical farm/food business incubator.

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