My Project: Urban Gardening

My mom probably has the strangest, most awesome urban garden ever. Located in Riverwest, the once ghetto (still a little) and now hipster heaven, her garden contains corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, rasberries, cucumbers, and more. She pretty much achieved success through trial and error, so I want to put together a pamphlet or a direct mailing to direct people how to urban garden.

I think it’s an important thing to explore more, especially with fears over the safety of industrially produced food. And it’s just practical with the rising cost of food. Home-grown fruits and vegetables taste better, aren’t sprayed with copious amounts of pesticides, and cost much less. If people can learn how to grow and garden their own food sources, their dependence on industry lessens, and their own self-sufficiency increases. I think people are becoming more and more interested in living a sustainable and affordable lifestyle, which is why I think this is a relevant project.

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