Introduction: Volunteering

As I have stated before, sustainability to me does not only pertain to taking care of our environment and finding ways to live greener lifestyles.  I believe an important way we can make our world a better place is by improving the ways in which people treat each other.  In doing this, we not only benefit society, but we are also improving ourselves as individuals.  I feel the best way to accomplish this is through volunteering.  Not only does volunteering in our communities benefit where we live, it allows for personal gains as well.  Try to think of a negative aspect when it comes to volunteering.  Can you think of any?  Yes, it takes your time and effort, but what do you get out of it?  And what does your community get out of it?

My freshman year of college, I studied at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.  While I was there, I was involved with the National Service Fraternity of Alpha Phi Omega.  This is a co-ed group of students dedicated to servicing their communities.  There are over 350 chapters of Alpha Phi Omega, including one on the UW-Madison campus called Beta Theta.  The goal of APO is to provide opportunities to develop leadership skills while providing services to “their campus, to youth and the community, and to the members of the Fraternity.”  Their motto states: Be a Leader.  Be a Friend.  Be of Service.  While I was involved in this fraternity, I was able to be participate in several community service projects.  My favorite was a Special Olympics Bowling Tournament.  The tournament was for only one day and I was required to attend for a minimum of 3 hours.  Looking back, I wish I would have exceeded that minimum requirement.  While I was there I met a great group of people, including the bowling team I was assigned to assist.  They all had amazing stories to share and were simply great people.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Prior to attending the tournament, I will admit, I was not looking forward to it.  However, afterwards, I left there feeling better about myself and felt as if I had been a part of something special.  I have been involved in other volunteer activities throughout the years, but this one stands out the most in my mind and is why I feel through service work we can benefit ourselves, our communities, and possibly the world.

In my sustainability project, I focus on finding what volunteer opportunities are available in and around Madison and what opportunities would benefit UW-Madison students the most in providing support for their desired majors.  My research includes findings about the volunteering activities of people around the United States, while concentrating on Wisconsin’s statistics.   Wisconsin, for example, is ranked 8th in the nation for the amount of service work completed.

Living in a large city like Madison provides people with many community service options and in diverse areas to better suit their individual interests.  For example, through the Morgridge Center located on Madison’s UW campus, students are able to look for positions based on their major.  For those working on an education major such as myself, there are numerous opportunities.  College students are able to volunteer as tutors for students in Elementary through High school grade levels; helping in areas that include math and science to language and literacy.  Aside from simply providing academic support, volunteers are also expected to be mentors; setting examples for the students and being someone they can feel comfortable talking to.  But you do not need to be an education major to pursue this volunteering avenue.  All majors are welcome!

Based on my findings, I plan to propose that the University of Wisconsin-Madison implement a requirement for its students to complete a certain number of volunteer hours before graduation.  Results from a survey taken by UW-Madison students will show answers to questions that include: How many hours would be reasonable for students to complete per semester?  Would you oppose such a requirement?  Do you already perform community service acts?  Of course I will also include findings from previous research that have found what benefits come from being a volunteer.

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