The Missionary

The typical day of a Missionary is demanding and does not include activities someone might expect for a young man age 19-25. According to an interview with Elder Johnson, missionaries arise at 6:30 to pray and prepare for the day. They get an hour to exercise and have breakfast then begin personal scripture study.  After an hour of personal study missionaries meet with their companion to continue studying and prepare to teach investigators.  From 10am until 9pm Missionaries fulfill their main mission responsibilities.  They teach investigators, visit sick members, knock on doors, give service hours at food pantries, parks, nursing homes etc. and seek opportunities to bring joy to all people.  During the day missionaries have an hour for lunch and additional study as well as an hour for dinner, usually hosted by a member.  By 9pm missionaries return to their living quarters, to write in their journals, send letters to loved ones, prepare for the next day’s activities, and retire to bed by 10:30.

The role of a missionary in making the world a more sustainable, more joyous and, better place primarily comes in those hard working hours between 10am and 9pm every day.  The tireless work of young men who volunteer, visit the sick, teach the gospel, and dedicate their day to other people makes a real difference in the quality of for millions of lives.

Missionaries explain true principals of the gospel of Jesus Christ which teach individuals who hear and act upon them to live with more joy in their lives.  The work of missionaries helps bring about a revitalization of moral values.  Their teachings promote a community with less destructive behavior, less aggression and less greed.  As a representative of Christ 24/7 missionaries are an example of what it means to be morally clean.  Some of those principals they teach are to “impart substance unto the poor, be honest in your dealings with other men, be charitable to all people, be responsible for those dependent upon you especially family, remain chaste, and develop talents which will benefit all men.”(Gospel Principals) If we had more business men on Wall Street and Main Street who were honest, charitable and true to their word the state of our economy and plight of the poor man would be in a much better place.  Teaching and leading by example these young men show people that true happiness comes through the gospel.

Missionaries are people who assist individuals in discovering questions of the soul, and second challenging those same individuals to seek the answers.  They offer possible answers, or rather teach what conclusions they and other people have come to through stories of their experiences and through books like scriptures respectively.  The only way to gain a testimony of something is to seek the answers for yourself with genuine curiosity, then ponder, read and study.  However, it isn’t always easy to figure out how to go about studying deep questions out on your own. Without missionaries many fewer people would give up on their pursuit for truth and understanding.  They have pondered and studied and found such great joy in the answers that they want to share their knowledge with other people.

In order to prepare for a mission I will need to study, complete necessary paperwork and interviews, evaluate costs, and learn the rules associated with life in the field.   Missionaries are to be well versed in the scriptures and use a book called “Preach My Gospel” to direct their studies in a direction that will be beneficial to the work they will be doing each day.  Because missionaries spend most of their time teaching people about the messages contained in these books it is imperative that prior to and during a mission daily diligent study takes place.  As I prepare to go on a mission I will be focusing on the plain and simple truths contained in the pages of the standard works.  Understanding their messages will allow me to teach with more clarity and be able to answer questions from investigators.  Local mission leader Dan Rino stated that “Young men who come on their missions with good study habits, and a love for the scriptures set themselves up to succeed in their calling.”  While on a mission young men are expected remain obedient to the rules as outlined in the Missionary Handbook.  Items such as no alcohol or drugs, no coarse language, proper dress and grooming, no dating, no entertainment unrelated to the church, have a cheerful attitude and follow schedules as outlined appear in the Handbook.  (Missionary handbook)  Other rules address how to spend money, travel, recreation, safety, and methods of communication.  Familiarizing myself with these rules and following those which are currently applicable will allow me to start being a good example today, and prepare for a mission in the years to come.

The success of a missionary is broad and largely depends on his obedience in his calling. Generally success is defined as making a positive difference in the community which a missionary serves and challenging individuals to seek answers to questions of the soul.  While there is no formal measuring stick to determine whether a young man has been successful and it is impossible to compare any two missionaries, those who follow the rules outlined in the Missionary Handbook, and take advantage of every opportunity to serve find the most satisfaction on their missions.  President Thomas S. Monson commented in a 2002 Talk with Mission Presidents that the most successful missionaries have a good relationship with their leaders, work with current members of the church to find potential investigators, and understand that they have “the answers to man’s search for happiness.” (Monson)  Each missionary is responsible for his own success.  The potential for doing good is boundless and diligence is key to serving worthily in the calling of a missionary.

After a mission young men return to work or school, but their compassion for all peoples of the earth, and dedication to service never cease.  The transition from daily routines and singular purpose can be challenging for returned missionaries, however the mission never really ends.  There is always work to be done, and millions of people gain strength when missionaries share their experiences in church meetings.  Having an ingrained work ethic and practiced communication skills missionaries enter the work force prepared to be quality assets of their companies.  A mission is a life changing experience for anyone, and is the best thing a young man can be doing with the vigor of his youth.



Gospel Principals, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2004, Salt Lake City.

Elder Johnson, interviewee, Current missionary in the Madison area

Dan Rino, interviewee, Local Mission leader

Missionary Handbook, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2006, Salt Lake City

Monson, T., “The Three M’s of successful Missionary Work” July 6, 2002.

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