Final Project

In order to create my final project I had to gather my recyclable materials. I used three yogurt containers, one container of oatmeal and one half gallon of milk to form the base of the tree. Then I gathered around 8-10 boxes of cardboard and opened them to reveal the brown interiors. Image

Next I tore these up into manageable pieces and glued them onto my containers to create a bark-like effect for the trunk of the tree.Image

Afterwards I rolled some old newspapers and paper grocery bags to into small cylinders to produce twigs and branches. I attached them to one another with small amounts of glue and reinforcing wire I got from unused coat hangers.ImageImage

Finally I created the leaves. This was definitely the most time and labor intensive component of the project. I collected some of my household’s amassed plastic bags – everything from zip locks and bagel bags to grocery and produce ones. I cut out individual leaf shapes and painted each one silver. To make them less dull I added little flakes of glitter as well.


Finally, I attached all of the components together to make my tree sculpture! I hope it inspires others to understand trash and sustainability in a new way – one that promotes beauty and creativity. More importantly though, I hope it inspires those who encounter it to use art to inspire a  change in the world that is important to them. Art has incredible power and can contribute to political, social, and global movements to make our world a better place.


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