
I want to start with this project with two things. A picture and a quote. First the picture.

“I do know that we have some pretty big problems in this country, and I think at least a few of them could be solved if we concentrated as much on cooking as we do on eating. Food is fabulous stuff, to be sure, but cooking can also be its own reward. Cooking is an action, and it’s time for more action and a little less consumption.”

-Alton Brown

Everyone that starts cooking will at some point have this encounter that is so well capture by the comic. What I want to do through this project is help people not get discouraged when this happens. This isn’t a complete how to guide on cooking, that would require far more knowledge than I posses. What I want is that this will server as a introduction that will help people become comfortable with cooking. I have done my best to gather some of the most basic, introductory knowledge that will serve as a spring board to a new skill that will help you through the rest of your life.

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