
If anyone is interested I could use your help on my project.  Please read my initial post to get the basic gist of what my project is aiming for.  In order to see how many students on campus I can actually help, I want to do a short survey, please feel free to answer the following questions with just the letter choices:

1) Do you ride a bike in Madison?

a) no


2) Are you familiar with the WI bike laws?

a) no

b) yes

3) When you ride your bike, do you…

a) ride on the sidewalk

b) turn without signaling

c)do not yield to pedestrians

d) run lights

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

4) If you do any of a-d from question 3, about how often per day do you act on such activity?

a) 0-4





Thank you!

7 responses to “Help

  1. 1) B, yes I do ride a bike
    2) B, yes I am familiar with the bike laws
    3) try not to do any of them and am usually pretty good, but E, all of the above
    4) A

  2. 1. B, Yes
    2. B, Yes, I think I’m familiar with most of them, definitely not all.
    3. A, B and D, although I usually scoff at people who NEEDLESSLY ride on the sidewalks when there’s a bike lane right next to them, there are so many one-way and very narrow streets in Madison that if I can see that the sidewalk is pretty empty and I wouldn’t be a danger, I’ll use it just to get to the next bike lane. I use signals when I’m on a busy street but if I’m all alone and far away from other traffic I just do whatever I want. I run lights all the time, especially if the bike lane is completely separated from car traffic and I can see no one is coming. I usually don’t care about pedestrians either because it’s easy and fun to swerve around them and I’m confident enough that I won’t hurt anyone.

  3. 1. B. Yes, I ride my ride nearly every day
    2. B. Yes, I know a majority of them. Mainly you act as a car, but some of the more technical laws I am unfamiliar with.
    3. B,C,D. I only turn without signaling if it’s obvious which direction I am going or if no one is around for instance in the right turn lane. I usually yield to pedestrians, but if I am in a hurry I have a tendency to maneuver around pedestrians as quickly as possible, The only time I ever run red lights is if there is no traffic and it’s not putting anyone else in harm. I more frequently run stop signs, but I slow down enough to a) check for cops and b) make sure traffic understands what I’m doing.

  4. 1) A, No
    2) A, No
    3) F, None of the above
    Personally, I don’t know many of the bike laws. I mean, on University it is easy to figure out, but on streets that don’t have a designated bike lane I’m unsure of the proper biking etiquette.

  5. 1) B, yes
    2) B, yess
    3) D, obviously only when not obstructing traffic 🙂
    4) A

  6. 1) B
    2) B
    3) A when it feels unsafe to be on the road and there aren’t a lot of pedestrians around; D (but mostly when traffic is really really low and I treat the light as a stop sign – i.e. stop, look, proceed 🙂
    4) A

  7. 1) A Yes
    2)A Yes
    3) A,B,D

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